Often times in my rational nature once this question does the devil really exist.... Comes out of me ,am interrupted by my listeners who would rebuke, laugh, ridicule and even get angry may be like you are right now but would be all calm if i expatiate my question.
Listen again, Does the devil really exist Or it is the other side of God? Does God enjoy seeing us suffer else Why has God with his overwhelming mighty Powers not destroy this devil Or is he giving devil the chance to repent ? This Questions comes because of certain things going on both personal and in the society not excluding the fact i have been thinking.
Devil as we know was once an angel so love by God that it was made the "chief" of angels or archangel in heaven but fell out with God because of it quest for powers with God as we are told in bible classes. The extend at which devil a mare "boy boy" angel became powerful is still a source of worries that brought this post.
It is told that after the kingdom of God suffereth violence devil was casted to hell fire for condemnation but this devil still works powerfully from hell which has given rise to if God made a "mistake" by not destroying completely the devil and if is the other side of God because hell as we know is still control by God with devil working powerfully hence making it look like the world is rule by God and devil. One fact is that before Christianity cum God was introduced to this part of the world by the British and accepted by Nigerians there was existence of idol worships(maybe till date)which were so powerful and answereth their pray but does that mean the devil existed in this part of the world before God? And people that died then all went to hell? Well we know the story how God was abandoned to idol worships and whether its God that was in the idol or not we have passed that stage to what we know now.
In relative to the devil's existence it is worthy to reflect on a religion other than Christianity. Islam as a major religion also in the world is so passive about devil than Christianity. They accept whatever comes their way as fate rather than the works of devil. I have thousands of Muslims as friends and spend maximum time together with absolute careful observation but haven't heard them mentioning its the devil works or blame the devil for a misfortune, i doubt if they believe devil exist, its their teachings unlike Christians that shift every "toe hit on a stone" to the devil. In order words the existence of devil lies on believe.
However the afore narrations and happenings in the society back the fact that the devil exist even right before man was created and started it treacherous work right from the garden of Eden that resulted to Adam & Eve disobedience. Devil has no form,it comes in any shape acting nice but to destroy.God gave it power as an arch angel and maybe "forgot" to retract the powers before it was thrown to hell fire. Devil is powerful but God is very more powerful. Everything bad and good was created by God as the sole creator and whether bad or good it is the creation of God cum the other sides of God and the devil is equally created by God but it does not represent the ways of God but however God warned Judgement should be left for him alone.
God does not enjoy seeing us suffer,it is we that fails in our obligations that calls it suffering not God. Man has just an important obligation of having "FAITH" and when we fail in that obligation we call things that happens suffering. Moreover our inability to understand life is not a "straight linear graph" has pushed us to see certain things that happened to us as suffering. No where is easy even in heaven you would still suffer(as you may call it) for God doing so many duties. However i can't take away the fact that suffering exist as a man but it is either our actions that lead us to suffer or fate taking us to the will of God.
God with his overwhelming power has not destroyed the devil because he is a very merciful God. His mercies are not just for you and me alone but what ever he created. If we persist on God to destroy the devil that means even most of us won't be spare because we are worse than the devil and are devils. It is important to note that devil still exist because of God mercies and devil does not come to us except we go to it. I repeat "devil does not come to us except we go to it".
A president of a country is a commander of the entire arm forces and that means he has the power to kill whoever he wants but won't because they're restrictions which falls under "love". That's how the overwhelming power of God works, he can destroy but won't because he cares and love's us as part of him. God ability to control his power makes him overwhelming to our reasoning.
Man focus should be on continues obedience to God our Father, Son and Holy spirit. Forget about the devil and devil would forget you, "The devil is not your enemy, you're the enemy of yourself". You may be surprise to see "devil dinning with God at the last day". You have the free will to choose between Good and bad, the bad keeps you from badness and the good keeps us in line with goodness. The devil maybe powerful as we believe but it is in hell. Hell fire means condemnation and what ever is there remains condemned.
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