It's another 365days around this wicked world,It can only be the grace of God upon our lives.
We step out each day with a mindset of accepting others can be better than us,to relate freely with the opposite sex,to avoid all forms of delinquencies and to maintain a healthy relationship with others. With these we have been able to live peaceful for both God and Man.
Growing up to this moment is full of sad and happy stories but in all there has been a great lesson from each story. We have come to understand that success is getting what you want while happeness is wanting what you got. Whoever has contributed to our success or happiness, listen,thank you.
Our sincere appreciations goes to our parents Mr & Mrs Festus Akwagiobe for bringing us into this world. Without your thorough upbringing we will have derail in this tough world. As little children we almost misunderstood your non tolerance for every wrong doing to be hatred but as mum have always said "when we grow up we will see". Mumy we have seen it clearly, its unmeasurable love. we are doing our best out here to make you, dad and ourselves happy. Keep praying and forgive our wrong doings please.
To our siblings and friends on Facebook, you're all wonderful people. Though we disagree at times but each misunderstanding is an increased level of our relationship. Forgive us in whatever way we offended you all,what's life without friends and siblings!! . thanks for being part of our life. We are grateful.
Thanks for celebrating us!
Peter & Paul
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