

Total Attendant in Church = 200
Number of people pressing their phones=150
Gossips = 40
Actual Attendants= 10.

It got so worse, the actual attendants kept falling like the value of Naira to dollar. The pastor soon noticed this,got angry and arranged with me on the plan for next Sunday. A special mic with the holy spirit covenant was arranged so that whoever holds it will tell the truth.

The Sunday actually came and as usual the statistics was maintain but with slight difference while pastor Adomi preach unreservedly about generosity. He raised his both hands up as planned and i understood it was time.

I stepped out and announced "brethren on my hand is a cheque of hundred thousand Naira to anyone that can tell the entire church the first and last words of Pastor Adomi". No body indicated interest as what i said fell on deaf ears, I then echoed my God given Mega voice in combination with the speakers "Who can repeat the last and first words of the pastor".

My voice was so loud that the spirit of distraction in them ran for safety. Few Hands were up, the first person i called was the pastor daughter, she came "hello brethren, my dady first words were baby are you still coming and the last words were yes baby after the boring church". Everyone was shocked, I said, "pastor the powerful holy spirit has just revealed what your daughter has been doing , she falls under the category of chatting in church. Pastor behold your daughter,do with her whatever you wish."

There was a moment of silent in the church and murmuring, i almost discontinued but the pastor ordered with a fierce voice "Zedicus Piro continue the task", I say pastor no vex, no be me and your daughter been there chat, but all that was said in my mind.

The next person came behold it was Mary Edodi the choir mistress, She picked the mic from where it was dropped, "the first words of pastor Adomi were oh baby you are too good, you're killing me and the last words were, that is what he told me last night too". We quickly knew choir mistress belongs to gossip category.

Pastor shouted "enough of the accusation mary Edodi ,gimme the mic and return to your sit, hand it over to me fast". Pastor Adomi angrily collected the powerful holy spirit truth revealing Mic before i could say don't he started talking "My first words were oh Baby you are killing and my last words were i have come,thank you very much."

He was still talking but i quickly ran to the alter and part the two bibles we put together as a sign of covenant and faith for the Mic to reveal the truth. Pastor Adomi realized himself immediately and said "thank you lord, forgive me lord can we offer some prayers to God and my wife for mercies please". Pastor Adomi wife responded "just pray harder".

I collected the Mic from Pastor Adomi to enable him display in Nigeria Pastoral way. The prayers began and ended successful just when people were about to sit down, Someone returned the bibles together and i started shouting "yayayaya" , pastor Adomi  asked "Zedicus Piro are you okay?" but I didn't even mind him, I kept shouting yayayaya and spoke "Pastor Adomi first words were oh words no be problem Angel kissed your follow come, its too sweet and the last words were i have miss my period". 

Pastor Adomi interrupted "i rebuke you, its not me and you, Godforbid". I responded jumping around "its not you oo, its your daughter o even choir master said he heard the same words from your...... ", before i could complete the sentence ,Pastor wife separated the bible.

LESSON: Be focus where ever you are and understand Nothing is hidden forever,don't laugh and forget that.


PASTOR ADOMI: FIRST AND LAST WORDS PASTOR ADOMI: FIRST AND LAST WORDS Reviewed by Zedicus Piro on October 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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