Distinguish Bank Customers in Obudu were once again frustrated in the banks as they intend to withdraw money rightfully theirs.
The frustration is said to be facilitated by very bad network in the Automated Teller Machine(ATM) and fewer Man Power in the counter resulting to queues and expression of anger, fighting and quarreling among customers.
Some Aged looking Customers were spotted sitting on the floor of the banks waiting sorrowfully to be attained to but that was a major in-vain as they went home without Cash, their Cash.
Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State have about 3 banks, namely Firstbank (which has been nickname last bank), Zenith Bank( which has been nickname Lowest bank), Ecobank (which has also been nickname kiko bank).
The three banks "poorly serves" the whole of Obudu, part of Obanlikwu, Boki and Benue State, generating pretty revenue monthly. They are also salary banks of teachers, the major occupation in the area who are not left out of the frustration and are often compel to show some "monetary love to some agents" in the bank for easy withdrawal.
The almost constant frustration especially in period of celebration despite the numerous ATM available have earned calls for efficient available network and not just numbers of ATM as one efficient machine is possible of reducing and taken care of the unwelcome stress.
The banks had taken step to ease customer's access to their money by increasing the numbers of ATM but that have seems to be proportional to the avoided.
Customers wake as early as 4:am to queue in the ATM to achieve the first come, first serve moral. The ATM network is turn on from 8:am which often brings disappointment as Cash would be unavailable or the Machine vibrate it customized grammer of "temporarily unable to dispense" which has become "temporarily permanently unable to dispense".
Some residents had wondered aloud if its a deliberate means of controlling the velocity of money but such open imaginativeness was satisfied by the constant poor service which is even against the control of cash velocity.
Such stress to access funds have let many to return to the old traditional system of saving money and vowed not to be affiliated with any bank till there's absolute improvements.
Customers who still believe in the banking system as the safest have called for the provision of a better working network in the area, saying "Obudu deserves a better banking System no matter the high number of Customers".

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