

January is generally known to be a period of major financial distress because of unavoidable excessive consumption in December,the Christmas period. Such stress has subject me to jokingly refer to January as ''Jan-Worry''.

"Jan-Worry" is full of zeal to survive and possible borrowing by some people in this part of the world call Nigeria. In My quest to keep myself balling, i went to the bank, the home of money to borrow despite all the warnings.

I entered the bank and as usual, i felt so much pity for the bankers who are gathering millions daily but go home empty pockets with just odor of money in their nostrils.

A lady in well fitted uniform and all over beauty exception of where i followed from behind took me to the manager's office sequel to my plead for direction. I entered the office, arranged my well starched favorite white shirt that captivated the manager's attention.

The manager joyfully said "Welcome to Firstbank Mr........., i tipped in Zedicus Piro. ''Your name sounds familiar,How may i help you Mr Zedicus Piro''?. I said "fantastic question, ma'am i want a loan of 10million Naira". The manager said only? I replied ''Only, thank you''.

''Okay dearest customer,we are here to serve you,but we will need a collateral be it land or other worth properties''. I sat quiet & dumbest with a very holy countenance. After a while i removed my phone and said ''ma'am i...i...i (stammering) don't have land but i..i...i have two thousand Facebook Friends, 1000 Instagram followers and my blog visitors, please accept them,the 'Jan-Worry' is too hard''.

The manager was quiet for a while but searched her records & said "Sorry young Man, we don't give out loan to a collateral, its a new standing bank policy''. I was very confused and asked ''what do you mean Madam Bank Manager''? She answered ''Mr Zedicus Piro you have already been placed as a collateral by a Facebook friend, kindly wait till the loan is paid or the day we will confiscate you the collateral''. I checked around for a space to faint but found non.

If you used me as a collateral and you are reading this,please i beg you in the name of poverty,come & find a token for me so i can wait comfortable alive & patiently till you pay your loan.


JOKE : ''JAN-WORRY'' JOKE : ''JAN-WORRY'' Reviewed by Zedicus Piro on January 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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